Posts in NIDRA

25 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for the whole time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

It is said that we are all unique combinations of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Map your awareness across your body and explore the five senses as they connect to these elements! This is a practice that will nudge you towards curiosity for all that is you.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

26 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for the whole time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

What if I told you there was a place just for you. A place uninterrupted by the story of your life. This place is steeped in play rather than outcomes. It celebrates curiosity, rather than reason. And it welcomes you unconditionally. The journey to this place is not achieved through effort, but rather through rest. You need only close your eyes to access it.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

28 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Meet us in a practice that fosters awareness of: awareness of the body and breath. Allow your awareness to slide to even deeper places, like the space between your breaths. And then, let it all go. Drop any sense of urgency. Drop any expectations. Get straight to resting.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

25 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Welcome to a practice devoted to the element, space. Space (or ether) is considered the most subtle of the five elements. It is also the most pervasive. Space provides the backdrop for air, space is the container for fire, space permeates water and earth. Space is all around and space is within. This practice inspires us to both take some space and take up space.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

27 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

See your awareness like the SKY. The sky is simply perfect capacity for whatever is moving through it. It is totally allowing of whatever comes and goes through its space. The sky, by its nature, has no preference for clouds over lightning, birds over planes or sun over rain. The sky’s nature is to be unconditional capacity for everything to be as it is. Allow this practice to remind you of your own sky-like nature, the airy capacity of your awareness.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

24 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This practice centres our focus around the element of fire. Unlike earth and water, fire isn’t bound by its relationship to gravity. Fire moves and rises. Fire transforms, consumes and creates. Fire is force and illumination. And fire resides in each of us. Allow my words to gather your awareness around your inner fire. In the same way we gather around a campfire, allow yourself to feel warmed and illuminated. 

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

28 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Water holds an important role in yoga philosophy. We hear the word ‘wave’ as a description for both our breath (the waves of your breath) and for how our thoughts move (the waves of the mind.) The motion of water is depicted as subtle and sublime. One doesn’t fight a wave, but rather watches it, or rides it.. or a little of both, depending on your persuasion. In this practice, you'll explore water in both ways: watching the water-like nature of your being, as you scan the body and breath. But also, allowing your awareness to be like water… somewhat meandering, unconcerned with the path you’re taking… moving for the sake of moving.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

30 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Sometimes all we need is to indulge in the relationship between you, the earth, and gravity. We welcome deep rest with this practice by connecting all things back to the earth beneath us. Plant a seed of intention into the depths of your own personal garden and enjoy the landscape that is you.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

29 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

In their efforts to understand themselves and the world more clearly, the yogis sought to know what underlies all of existence. What threads braid together to form our world, our experiences, ourselves? They discovered three: the pause, formed stillness (tamas), the moving, passionate energy (rajas) and the balance of clarity and presence (sattwa). This journey guides you through an awareness of the three energies that inform your experience. The ultimate intention is to remind you that, even on the hardest days, beneath it all there is presence and peace.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

27 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This practice explores two uses for the word ‘wave’. Yoga suggests we think of our minds as oceans and the thoughts that move them, as waves. Neuroscience suggests our minds are matter, and the electricity that pulses through it produces brainwaves. Whether it’s the wave, or an electric charge, see if this practice can calm your ocean; make quiet, your matter.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

32 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This practice leans into the late summer-fall transition. The transition between seasons can involve a palpable energy change - from feeling embraced and nourished by our environment, to feeling like we need to tend to ourselves and nourish in other ways. This practice begins with a brief breathing exercise to amp up your inner vitality. From there, we’ll slide right on into nidrā land where we are reminded of our inner resources.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

29 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

What would your awareness be like, if it were just like the never-ending sun? Stretched out over way more hours than you’re used to? Entering the dips and crevices beyond your waking state, into dreams, into sleep. Yoga Nidra is designed with this in mind -expand your consciousness… well beyond the waking state. Get to know yourself in all of the states.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

28 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

A great beginner’s practice, we move from an awareness of the physical body to the deeper layers of the energetic, mental, wisdom, and bliss bodies. Each stage is like stepping out of your car on a road trip: have a look around, and see what there is to be seen. With clarity and kindness, participants move into the depths of their consciousness and back out.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

40 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Yoga Nidrā has a way of moving us past the barriers put up by the rational mind. The walls we put up are there for a reason, but the content they hold is the stuff of the heart. This practice guides you through the layers of yourself, carrying a heartfelt message: that you can embrace it all. The good, the bad.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

36 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

Using the metaphor of a painter making the first brush stroke on a canvas, this practice encourages you to create an experience that both nurtures the body and invigorates the mind. Trace your awareness from the obvious to the subtle and see what treasures are unearthed in the process. This is a nidrā designed to spark your creativity, all while the body-mind gets the deep rest it deserves.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

36 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This practice makes use of pancha pran, or the five pathways of energy that move throughout the body. Through the stillness of meditation & keen awareness, the yogis were able to discern the energy that innervates them. They named it pran or prana. Nowadays, we might name this ‘pran’ as ‘qi’, ‘vitality’ or ‘life force’. It is said that all the systems of the body (the nervous, digestive, reproductive, and endocrine) are sustained by the movement of pran.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

37 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

We spend time at the start of this yoga nidrā planting a seed of intention. This may be a question you've been pondering; an ingredient you want to see more of in your life; or a simple expression to be open. Through time in this practice, we are reminded that we are always in community, surrounded by support. However you receive it, this practice will offer a moment of respite, seeded by the intention you've set.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

31 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

In this practice, I borrow from the yogic concept of the 'chitt' or mind. We consider the mind as our sixth sense and liken it to a quilt, a vast collection of textures, patterns and colours unique to your experience. This nidra leads you towards exploring the 'patches' of your own unique 'quilt'.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

39 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This guided relaxation anchors our awareness to the deepest limb - our spine. Take a walk down the golden coins of your spine and bathe in a rainbow of colour. We'll explore the spine anatomically - that it’s a structure forming the central axis of our skeleton. We'll also borrow from the yoga tradition in which the spine is conceived as a central channel of energy.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment

42 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: a comfortable place to be still for time (we suggest your bed), blanket and pillow

This practice reminds you of that which is always present + ready to observe: your awareness. It is the one constant amidst a world of change. We start with gentle movement to be experienced from lying down. Through intentional language, this nidrā experience takes your awareness by the hand, leading it to subtler and subtler places.

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NIDRAVarinder SinghComment