Level 3 - 05.10.23

23 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: full length foam roller

Deeper self-awareness alert! This class is full of challenging, standing, single-leg work that is meant to reveal imbalances. Starts with foot and ankle work, active calf and hamstring stretches, and standing hip and thigh exercises -all designed to test your balance in more than one way. Ends with single leg bridges with the foam roller under your feet which will improve your glute and hamstring strength.

Cautions: ankle loading

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Level 3 - 01.04.23

32 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 2 hand weights (1-5 lbs each)

Come alive! We work with tension and release here, both important when it comes to core heath. Starts with a quick warm up for every part of the spine and trunk and moves right into core stability drills to build strength and control. This one requires focus as there is a demand for coordination of skill and action. Every strength exercise includes a stretch component so you can expect to finish feeling stable and open.

Cautions: wrist, knee, shoulder, ankle loading

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Level 3 - 11.30.22

1 HR 1 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: chair w/o arm rests + bolster

This one has some wacky moves that are sure to offer novel inputs and challenges that will keep you on your toes. Get every inch of your trunk mobilized and your core worked throughout. Expect to be flipping and flopping over into base positions on your chair seat and bolster to mobilize and build strength. Ends with contralateral work to challenge stability and balance.

Cautions: Ankle + Knee + Wrist + Shoulder

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Level 3 - 10.19.22

1 HR 1 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Resistance Band + 1 Bolster

DESCRIPTION: Build strength with resistance. This class is right for those who are eager to work with tension for an increase in capacity, movement potential, and overall control. We mobilize while playing with various tensile loads and work to overcome resistance forces with control and ease. Leave feeling integrated, confident, and strong.

Cautions: Knee, Wrist, Shoulder loading

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Level 3 -09.07.22

1 HR


Stick and slide. This class is enlightening as it reveals the strength, flexibility, and control available in certain isolated regions of the spine. We use the blanket to create task-based movements, to enhance kinesthesia (the body’s ability to sense movement), and to create a moveable surface to work with. We explore both passive and active end ranges of motion in the spine in every way the spine is designed to move. This one ends with some core stability challenges, advanced pilates exercises, and a variation of a pattern from Somatics. Give your mind and body a vast array of novel inputs so that you can grow your overall capacity and movement literacy.

Cautions: Wrist loading, knee loading

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Level 3 - 04.21.21

58 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Blanket (slippery floor)

Specific and Strong. Using the blanket as a slidable surface to work with helps us to isolate the moving parts from the non-moving parts, creates task-based movements, helps to improve proprioception, and provides resistance for us to overcome. We play with tension a lot in this class to build strength and control. This class progresses intelligently, preparing you for the challenges offered in standing exercises that are sure to test your balance. This class builds up to a few plank variations that will help you tap into both your stability and fluidity.

Cautions: Wrist, Knee, Shoulder, Ankle loading

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Level 2-3 - 05.17.23

21 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: foam roller

Description: The perfect blend of massage, mobility, and stability. We stretch and strengthen the neck, massage and mobilize the upper spine, and make sure that a complete core workout is had. Every move makes puts the foam roller to good use!

Cautions: shoulder loading

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Level 2-3 - 04.12.23

22 MIN

PROPS: 1 Block

Get your trunk lit! Starts with mobilization for each section of the spine in symmetrical base positions and graduates to the same moves but in asymmetrical base positions. This is sure to offer novel inputs and healthy movement variety to your tissues. Expect challenging core work in a quadruped position to challenge stability and range. Ends with a supine series to ensure that your whole body is worked and online.

Cautions: knee, ankle, wrist, and shoulder loading

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Level 2-3 - 03.22.23

37 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Foam Roller + 1 hand weight

Core stability challenge! After a few brief mobility drills for each section of the spine, we focus on a variety of corrective exercises that are sure to challenge your ability to stabilize the trunk area. Expect lying on the foam roller without wobbling about to get real tricky. Coordination is key when adding external load for exercises in quadruped to get maximum results. Expect a long plank-hold and an amazing feeling downward dog to give your diaphragm some love.

Cautions: wrist, knee, minimum ankle loading

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BEGINNER - 12.04.21

43 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair + 1 Small Towel

Discover your capacity for movement in every joint in the middle body. Starting with the neck and moving right through to the pelvis, we move slowly and deliberately, breaking each available movement for the spine and pelvis down.

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Level 1-2 - 05.27.20

1 HR 2 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Yoga Bolster or Firm Rectangular Pillow

Playing with tension. In this class, we increase our stress tolerance using tensile load. We use specific base positions that increase tension in certain tissues in order to challenge movement through the use of internal resistance.

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Level 1-2 - 10.13.21

59 MIN


Smooth and buttery. Nourish your spine with movement patterns that will leave you feeling fluid and free. We start with a dance-like standing sequence that offers options for movements that are usually underexplored and underutilized.

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Level 1-2 - 04.27.22

1 HR 1 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Large Towel or Blanket

Trunk Therapy. Trust this one and stay with it to the end. After some very specific explorations of every movement of the spine, we get into some deep and intentional core work. Experiment with tension to offer novel inputs to your tissues in familiar patterns.

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Level 1-2 - 08.17.22

59 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Large Blanket + A Clear Wall Space

This one feels like a massage! In this slow, deep, and delicious class we use the wall in the warm-up section as a tool to help with proprioception and to isolate certain areas of the spine that we are moving from the areas that we are trying to keep still.

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Level 1-2 - 09.28.22

62 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + YTU Balls (2 Massage Balls)

Mmm...massage. This one starts with manual inputs using the massage balls to release tension around the neck, lower, and middle back. We combine the manual inputs with active inputs by mobilizing these parts while they are being pressurized. We also get into an incredible hip flexor release using the massage balls and movement to free up the pelvis and lower back. Expect to move, nourish, and nurture every part of the trunk and to be challenged to stabilize the trunk and keep your balance. End feeling deeply and clearly connected to yourself.

CAUTIONS: Wrist, Ankle, Knee, Shoulder loading

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Level 2 - 06.22.20

1 HR 2 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: Block + Wall Space + Pillow

Get into the nitty-gritty of your spine's capacity for movement. Once are the movements available in each section are explored with care, we get into some deep core work that progresses into more complex and challenging movement patterns.

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Level 2 - 11.02.20

56 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair + 1 Block

Move your spine with care in every way possible with short pauses for specific training in certain ranges sprinkled throughout. Light up your trunk tissues with a progressive sequence starting supine, moving to the side-body, and flipping over onto the belly. We use the chair in so many neat ways and toward the end, we get into some challenging moves that will leave a lasting impression.

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Level 2 - 02.17.21

1 HR 2 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair (without armrests) + Pillow

Get your trunk wrung out! The chair provides support for several base postures that help us offer novel inputs to our tissues, it acts as an anchor for us to leverage more range of motion, and helps to improve proprioception.

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Level 2 - 03.31.21

1 HR 2 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Bolster (firm rectangular pillow)

Start on your feet with a long, yummy, spinal mobilization sequence that gets more specific as it progresses. Expect creative mobility patterns, soothing somatic lessons, and Pilates core work.

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Level 2 - 05.12.21

1 HR 4 MIN

PROPS NEEDED - 1 Blanket

Get centered. Align your core channel and make space between each spinal segment. Fire up your core and spine tissues in every way. Feel connected to your pillar of strength and gain trust in your ability to return to this place no matter how far our adventures may take you away.

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