All Levels - 04.16.21

1 HR 9 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Yoga Belt, 1-2 Bolsters, 1-2 Blankets, 1-2 Blocks, Extra Pillows

Who doesn't need more rest and restoration? Dim the lights, light some candles, and set up near a wall space. Get ready to melt into the reliable support of the earth, to give your body the space to engage in its natural healing processes, and to revive your connection to YOU.

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All Levels - 05.14.21

1 HR 10 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 2 Bolsters (or firm, rectangular pillows), 1 Yoga Belt, 1-2 blankets, 1-2 Blocks, Eye Pillow (optional)

Go deep inside. This restorative sessions starts with soft, gentle, and soothing movements to help you connect with your body and unravel tension.

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All Levels - 11.14.21

1 HR 20 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Yoga Belt + 2 Blocks + 2 Bolsters + 2 Blankets

Rest easy. Start with a gentle mobilization sequence to start the process of releasing tension and stress. Set an intention to anchor your practice with something meaningful and unique to you. Melt into four traditional restorative postures designed to support your body through its natural healing ability.

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All Levels - 01.28.22

1 HR 12 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 2 Blocks + 2 Blankets + 2 Bolsters (Pillows)

Melt. A deep, restful practice meant to shift your nervous system into a state that promotes regeneration, repair, and restoration. We begin with light and easy movements to unwind held tension in the joints before holding shapes, supported by the props, for time.

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All Levels - 04.01.22

1 HR 14 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair + 1 Blanket + 1 Bolster + 2 Blocks

Mmm...yum. A delicious spread from start to finish. We begin with a casual mobility appetizer, seated in the chair, to clear the palette before enjoying the main course. The second course features breath work to inspire ultimate presence and relaxation. Steep deep into the experience from that point onward, savouring every flavour that each pose offers. Leave fully satisfied.

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All Levels - 11.10.22

1 HR 10 MIN

Props Needed: 2 Blocks + 2 Blankets + 1 Bolster

Description: Feel your feelings. This is a class that helps us to practice letting it all in and through -every sensation, thought, and emotion. We start with some vagal toning (stimulating the vagus nerve) by massaging the facial muscles and connecting to the breath in the chest and lower belly. The vagus nerve is a key part of our parasympathetic nervous system which activates our rest and digest mode. We explore five different postures in this one, all designed to help to gather insight into what our body, mind, and heart are in need of.

Cautions: Ankle + Knee Loading

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All Levels - 12.01.22

1 HR 4 MIN

Props Needed: 1 chair + 2 blankets + 2 blocks + 1 bolster

The nervous system heals in safety and presence. Practice holding yourself in both. Starts with gentle movements to warm up the body before holding shapes for time. Focus in this one is on the posterior and anterior tissues as well as regulating the nervous system so that we can be authentically open and available.

Cautions: none

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