Level 2 - 01.12.22
1 HR
PROPS NEEDED: Wall space + 1 Block
The block blocks. This detailed warm-up explores the mobility available in certain parts of the trunk in isolation. This allows us to fully express these areas without borrowing from others. This encourages inputs to tissues that may otherwise get neglected and skipped over. We create overall balance and harmony in the whole body when we take the time to assess and train every part. We use the task of keeping the block fastened to the wall to keep certain areas still. We also break down rotational movements into sections to ensure we are moving into our end-ranges in every direction. We then go wall-free, taking things to the mat, exploring free-flowing spinal movements in various base positions before challenging our core stability. Contralateral movements challenge our coordination and our ability to remain still in the trunk area. Fire up all of your core tissues with a progressive sequence responsibly designed for you to succeed.
Cautions: Shoulder loading, ankle loading, wrist loading