SESSION #3 - UPPER BODY 12.11.21

49 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair + 1 Firm Pillow (or table or desk)

In this session we break down the movements of the upper limbs from fingers to shoulder blades. Expect to gather useful information regarding the capacity and control levels available you in these joints and remember that doing the movements regularly is part of the path to improvement.

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SESSION #4 - FULL BODY 12.18.21

46 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Chair + Optional Table or Desk

In this session we move through all of the joint rotations learned in The Beginner's Series Sessions #1-3 in new ways. We start at the toes and move through everything ending with the fingers. Expect to gather useful information regarding the capacity and control levels available you in every joint and remember that doing the movements regularly is part of the path to improvement.

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